IARD article at the 1st International IR Target, Background Modeling Workshop, FGAN−FOM, Ettlingen, Germany

(27-30 June, 2005)


Comparison of thermal modeling and experimental results of a generic model for ground vehicle.

Dr. A. Lessin, Mr. A. Reinov, Dr. Y. Bushlin




Reliable modeling of thermal signature of ground vehicles placed in a background scenario is required for many applications (ATR and clutter rejection algorithms, signature management, assessment of sensor performance, etc.).

Accurate numerical modeling requires also verified approaches for solving various standard thermal problems with low confidence in governing parameters, e.g. background/soil, internal heat-sources, interfacial conductance between different elements and influence of such hardly-predicted effects as dust and material phase-transfer on the external surface of the object.

To investigate the above mentioned phenomena and for evaluating the ability of RadTherm to model them properly, a simple benchmark model of a typical ground vehicle – CUBI was developed and placed in a typical desert environment for a long-term observation of its temperature regime by an IR imaging radiometer and thermocouples.

 An appropriate thermal model was developed for numerical predictions of CUBI temperature fields using the RadTherm code. The obtained experimental data were compared to the results of numerical predictions. Systematic comparison between experimental data received in natural desert environment and RadTherm prediction for various conditions was performed and good correlation between these results was obtained.


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