

  1. Michael Y. Engel, Adam D. Devir, Ilan Mendelewicz, “Methodology for accurate multi-spectral signature measurement” to be published SPIE Europe Security and Defense Sept. 2008

  2. Dario Cabib, Amir Gil, Tamir Barak, Adam D. Devir, Michael Y. Engel, Ilan Mendelewicz, Sahar Vilan, and Yossi Bushlin, “Multispectral radiometers (ColoRad) for spectro-temporal flares intensity emission measurements”, Proc. SPIE 6940, 694039 (2008)

  3. Devir A. D., Engel M. Y., Mendelevicz I., Vilan S., Cabib D., Gil A. “Fast multichannel radiometer for diagnosing munition flashes”, Paper 6940-10, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIV, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6940, 17-20 March 2008.

  4. A. D. Devir, Y. Layosh, A. B. Lessin, E. Brewer, R. F. Crouse, L. J. Pezzaniti “IR Multi-Channel Fast Radiometry as a New Tool in the Analysis of Complex Explosion: Radiating Mechanisms and Explosive Composition”, Multinational BMD Conference, Session 6A, # 138, Rome, Italy, 5--8 Sept. 2005

  5. Ratkowski J., Anderson G. P., Devir A. D. "Comparison of atmospheric transmittance measurements in the 3-5mm and 8-12mm spectral regions with MODTRAN: considerations for long near-horizontal path geometries", Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems III, Proc SPIE, Vol. 3866, pp. 11-22, 1999.

  6. Devir A., Ami Ben-Shalom, Leslie S. Balfour, and Michael Y. Engel, Shlomo Levin, “Progress in radiometry: measurement techniques and analysis methods”, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3061, 624 (1997); DOI:10.1117/12.280382

  7. Michael Y. Engel and Leslie S. Balfour, “Quantitative evaluation of errors in remote measurements using a thermal imager” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1442, 298 (1991); DOI:10.1117/12.49072

  8. Proceedings ArticleJune 04, 2014Investigation of atmospheric blasts by fast radiometry PDF R. Ben-Dov; Y. Bushlin; A. D. Devir; A. B. Lessin; I. Mendelewicz; M. Shvebelman Proc. SPIE. 9082, Active and Passive Signatures V, 908209. (June 04, 2014) doi: 10.1117/12.2050270
  9. Proceedings ArticleMay 13, 2011Blast investigation by fast multispectral radiometric analysis PDF A. D. Devir; Y. Bushlin; I. Mendelewicz; A. B. Lessin; M. Engel Proc. SPIE. 8012, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVII, 801208. (May 13, 2011) doi: 10.1117/12.883984
  10. Proceedings ArticleOctober 07, 2010Fast multispectral radiometric method and instruments for analysis of blast PDF T. Y. Sabati; A. D. Devir; A. B. Lessin; M. Engel; Y. Bushlin Proc. SPIE. 7835, Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IV, 78350F. (October 07, 2010) doi: 10.1117/12.865218
  11. Proceedings ArticleOctober 02, 2008

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Models and Simulations

  1. Jafolla J. C., Lessin A. “BRDF Measurements of a CUBI Sample”, 4th International IR Target & Background Modelling & Simulation Workshop, FGAN-FOM, Ettlingen, Germany, June 23 - 26, 2008.

  2. Bushlin Y., Lessin A., Neumann Y.Reinov A. “Environmental factors in thermal behavior of the benchmark object CUBI”, 
    4th International IR Target & Background Modelling & Simulation Workshop, FGAN-FOM, Ettlingen, Germany, June 23 - 26, 2008.

  3. Bushlin Y., Lessin A., Reinov A., Clement DDust and dew affecting infrared signatures”, Paper 6941-29, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XIX, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6941, 17–20 March 2008.

  4. Kanelbaum J., Yaniv S., Wirzberger H., Lessin A. “Measurement and simulation of two-phase reactive plume of solid-fuel IBEM motor”, Proceedings of the 48th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2008 

  5. Shvebelman M., Devir A. D., Devir A.-H., Lessin A., Wirzberger H. “Transmittance of Aerosols and Molecular Bands in plumes: theoretical Prediction vs. Measurement”, Proceedings of the 48th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2008.

  6. Lessin A., Reinov A., Bushlin Y. “CUBI: investigation of natural environment impact on the target's surface and its signature”, 3rd International IR Target & Background Modelling & Simulation Workshop, Onera, Toulouse, France, June 25 - 28, 2007.

  7. Devir A., Kanelbaum A., Lessin A., Yaniv S., Wirzberger H., Lev M., “Investigation of two-phase plume flow and the influence of soot oxidation on plume radiation”3rd International IR Target & Background Modelling & Simulation Workshop, Onera, Toulouse, France, June 25 - 28, 2007. 

  8. Lessin A., Reinov A., Bushlin Y., “Comparison of thermal modeling and experimental results of a generic model for ground vehicle”, Paper 6239-25, Targets and Backgrounds XII: Characterization and Representation, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6239, 17-18 April 2006. 

  9. Kanelbaum A., Lessin A., Yaniv S., Wirzberger H., Lev M., “Investigation of two-phase plume flow and the influence of soot oxidation on plume radiation”, Proceedings of the 47th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2007. 

  10. Kanelbaum A., Lessin A., Yaniv S., Wirzberger H., Lev M. “Investigation of the soot particle oxidation and its influence on the BEM plume radiation”, Proceedings of the 46th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2006. 

  11. Reinov A., Bushlin Y., Lessin A., Clement D., Kremer M. “CUBI: Comparison of thermal radiation modeling with a natural desert experiment”, 2nd International IR Target & Background Modelling & Simulation Workshop, FGAN-FOM, Ettlingen, Germany, June 26 - 29, 2006.

  12. Lessin A., Reinov A., Bushlin Y. “Comparison of thermal modeling and experimental results of a generic model for ground vehicle”, 1st International IR Target & Background Modelling Workshop, FGAN-FOM, Ettlingen, Germany, June 27 - 30, 2005.

  13. Lessin A., Levin D., Yaniv S. “Scanning Measurement System For Plume Flows”, 36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2003, AIAA-Paper 2003-3656. 

  14. Lessin A., Levin D., Yaniv S., Flow measurement system for high-temperature flows”, Proceedings of the 43rd Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2003.

  15. Y. Bushlin, E. Hallel, I Cohen, G. Baum, A. Lessin , R. Lacob "Modeling and Simulation of IR Scenarios for Hardware In the Loop Testing", Proceddings of the IAF conference on Electrooptics, Vol. 2 (2003).

  16. Devir A., Lessin A., Lev M., Stricker J., Yaniv S., Cohen Y., Kanelbaum Y., Avital G., Gamss L., Macales J., Trieman B., Sternlieb A. “Comparison of Calculated and Measured Radiation from a Rocket Motor Plume”, AIAA 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-paper No. 2001-0358, Reno, NV, USA, 2001

  17. Y. Bushlin, G. Baum. S. Cohen ‘Recognition range Evaluation for IR Sensors by Using Simulation Tool’, NATO Symposium on Sensors & Electronics Technology (SET), Naples 1998

  18. Fabian D. Lapierre, Marc Acheroy, Bushlin Y., Lessin A., Reinov A., , “Validation of RadThermIR and OSMOSIS thermal Software on the basis of the Benchmark object CUBI”, 5th International IR Target & Background Modelling and Simulation Workshop, ONERA, Toulouse, France, June 22 - 26, 2009.

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Remote Sensing

  1. Ultchin Y., Sheffer D. "Gaussian Smoothing Of Sparse Spatial Distributions as Applied to Informational Difference", Paper 6565-19, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral and Ultraspectral Imagery XIII, Proc. SPIE 6565, April 2007.

  2. Sheffer D., Ingman D. "The use of thermodynamic quantities for improving multispectral class separation", Proc. SPIE, Vol.5806, p.p. 172-181, March 2005.

  3. Sheffer D., Ultchin Y. "Experimental verification of a simple model for infrared spectral radiance of natural objects", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5425, p.p. 283-292, April 2004.

  4.  Sheffer D., Voskoboinik A., Setter P,Norman J. "Use of the Informational Difference as a Target Conspicuity Measure", Targets and Backgrounds IX: Characterization and Representation, AeroSense 2003, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5075, pp. 150-161.

  5. Sheffer D. Ultchin Y. "Comparison of Band Selection Results Using Different Class Separation Measures in Various Day and Night Conditions", Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery IX, AeroSense 2003, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5093, pp.452-461.

  6. A. Dag, P. Dickstein, Y. Bushlin ‘Fusion of thermal and optical Information’ RQNDE, Vol.19, 1999.

  7. L.S. Balfour, Y. Bushlin, ‘Polarization signature of man made objects in the SW IR spectral band’ SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3375, Orlando 1998

  8. A. Steinman, Y. Bushlin ‘Background clutter in the infrared spectral band: measurement and analysis’, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3061, Orlando 1999

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